

Photo by Josh Stansfield.

I suppose I’m late on posting this, but work and life has been very busy. Lots of gigs, lots of work.

Last Thursday, DJ Yahel rocked Barton Hall up here at Cornell University. He played a ton of musically intricate goa and psy-trance (not really my cup of tea, but it was well-mixed). Hillel put the show on to celebrate the 60th anniversary of Israel, and was all-in-all a great time. I got roped into volunteering myself to run security after nearly 20 people rushed the stage when Yahel took to the decks. I was a total asshole.

New music at Yahel’s myspace

Oh, and happy Earth Day! Eat local!

One Response to “Shalom”

  1. 1 Yahel

    It was mixed well because it was pre-mixed.

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